
Airport Weeze
Flughafen Niederrhein GmbH
Flughafen-Ring 200
D- 47652 Weeze

Telefon : +49 (0) 28 37 / 66 61 11
Telefax : +49 (0) 28 37 / 66 70 60



Turnover Tax Identity Number:

DE 159772562
Amtsgericht Kleve
HRB: 4052
Registered Offices In Weeze

Bank Account:

Volksbank an der Niers
BLZ: 320 613 84
Account number: 802 138 016
IBAN: DE74320613840802138016

Managing director:

Dr. Sebastian Papst

Marketing & Communication Dept.
Editorial Office

Holger Terhorst (v.i.S.d.P.)
mail: h.terhorst@airport-weeze.de

Content Management / Online-Marketing

Pascalweg 6
NL - 6662 NX Elst
Tel. +31 (0)481 350 618

Cowpunks Online Marketing & Services


Legal Advice / Disclaimer

Content Of The Internet Presence

Airport Weeze makes no guarantee of the up-to-dateness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. All liability claims against Airport Weeze relating to losses of a material or non-material kind that have been caused by the use or non-use of the offered information or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information are ruled out, insofar as Airport Weeze is not provably guilty of deliberate or gross negligence.

All offers are subject to confirmation and non-binding. Airport Weeze expressly reserves the right to change, supplement, or delete parts of the site or the entire range, or to temporarily or permanently cease publication, without making a separate announcement.

Advice On Problems Relating To External Links

Airport Weeze is responible, in accordance with the general laws, as a content-provider for its "own content", which Airport Weeze provides for use.

In this Internet presence, there exist links to contents made available by other providers. Airport Weeze is only responsible for this content if Airport Weeze has positive knowledge of them (i.e. also of illegal and/or criminal content) and it is technically possible and can reasonably be expected that Airport Weeze prevents it use.

"Links" is here always to be understood as meaning "live" (dynamic) links, however. Although Airport Weeze has checked the outside content upon first connection, to see whether possible responsibility in civil or criminal law arises from it, Airport Weeze is not, however, obliged to constantly check content to which Airport Weeze provides links within these pages, for changes which could newly justfy responsibility. Only if we ascertain or are informed by others that a responsiility under civil or criminal law arises from concrete content to which we have provided a link, will we remove the link to this content, insofar as this is technicall possible for us and can reasonably be expected of us. The technical possibility and reasonableness is not influenced if, after prevention of access from our homepage, the illegal or punishable content can still be accessed from other servers.

Recording Of Access Data

With every request for a file from this Internet presence, access data is recorded. Each data set consists of: the site from which the file was requested, the name of the file, the time and date of the requesting of the quantity of data transferred and the access status (file transferred, file not found etc.), a description of the type of web browser, and the domain being enquired about. The recorded data is used exclusively for statistical purposes: it is not, even in extracts, passed on to third parties.

Personal Data

Within this Internet presence, it is possible to send personal data to us. "Personal data" is here to be understood as meaning information that can be used to learn your identity. This includes information such as your name, address, postal address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

Regarding your personal data, we point out, in accordance with § 33 BDSG, that this is recorded and/or transferred in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations.

Furthermore, personal data is handled with absolute confidentiality and only passed on to third parties with express agreement. We specifically point out that data protection in open networks such as the Internet cannot be entirely guaranteed at the current state of the art. We appreciate the trust that you place in us, and take great care to protect your personal information. If you have any questions, you can also contact us directly.

Copyright And Trademark Law

Airport Weeze endeavours to observe the copyright for the graphics, sound recordings, video sequences and texts, to use graphics, sound recordings, video sequences and texts that it has produced itself or to use public domain graphics, sound recordings, video sequences and texts.

All trademarks named within the Internet presence and possibly protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the conditions of the respective applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owner. The mere mentioning of trademarks should not be understood as a reason to conclude that the trademarks are not protected by third parties!

The copyright for published objects produced by Airport Weeze remains solely with Airport Weeze. The reproduction or use of such graphics, sound recordings, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without express permission from Airport Weeze.


If parts or individual formulations of this text are not, are no longer or are only incompletely in accordance with the currently valid legal position, the remaining parts remain thereby uneffected in their content and their validity.

If you have suggestions or criticism regarding our Internet presence, send us an e-mail at the following e-mail address: marketing@airport-weeze.de